ZEWO was curated by three sport and business enthusiasts that had a vision of making sport investments accesible for all kind of clients, from investors to other sport enthusiasts. Carlos, Jorge, and Jorge had the vision of merging all the needs that a sport business can have in one platform, from the business plan to the daily management.
After being in the sports and management field for the last years they decided to create this platform where all the needs that they faced as employees and as clients are covered. They understood that the market in terms of sports has a transnational feature that is why they developed connections with manufactures and experts in Europe, America, Middle East and Asia, to provide the best options in terms of technology, materials and business strategies.

Spanish sport enthusiast that has been linked to the high performance sport world since he was a kid, specially to padel since he was 11 years old, being able to compete in the spanish circuit and being taught by the best coaches in the padel world. Despite his love for the sport Carlos shares his passion for sports with the passion for the International Relations and that was what made him enroll into the International Relations degree in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Jorge Couceiro is Spanish padel and sports enthusiast since a very young age. He started competing in the Spanish padel circuit at the age of 15. In 2017 he lived the “American Dream” having the chance of living in Texas achieving the top 2 position in the USPA ranking; at the same time as being the Junior´s national team of USA. Continuing with his career as a padel player, Jorge was a World Padel Tour player achieving the position 131 in the world.
Jorge is a certified padel coach, certified referee by the Spanish Federation at the same time that he has a degree in Business by the Universidad de la Coruña. The love for the sports and the business made Jorge want to apply all his knowledge of both areas to grow a sustainable path for the sport and for the business aspect.

Spanish sport lover who has practiced and enjoyed many different sports since he was a kid; among others padel, football, tennis, basketball, rock climbing, snowboard and surf.
Jorge is a Mechanical Engineer having a Master in Business Administration. He has worked as Project Manager in different countries during the last 20 years developing outstanding management skills. His capabilities and entrepreneurship allowed him to start three different ventures and now he is completely enrolled on ZEWO journey

ZEWO was founded under three main values
This three values are the key for a sustainable business , the professionalism provides the vision of generating the best plan and the determination to execute it, the transparency is linked directly with the trust which is key in any relation, and teamwork is the glue that makes the professionalism and the transparency deliver always the best result in any of the actions that ZEWO takes.